Wednesday, March 19, 2014

I read a blog from the Burnt Orange Report by Katherine Haenschen discussing the position of the Republican candidate Greg Abbot on the Equal pay right issue.  She argues that if Abbott is elected to Governor position women in Texas are going to continue being under paid compared to men.  Also, she mentions that Abbot was trying to avoid answering the question about his position on equal pay, but since the women in his office are paid less than men for doing the same job the answer is clear as to where he stands on this matter.

            Haenschen, in my opinion was effective in her argument because she used evidence from other sources to support her argument. She has links to videos with transcript of the Abbot’s surrogates females who were saying indirectly that his office is not going to support the equal pay through the legislature by admitting the issue and saying thing like women are “Too busy” and  “ men are better negotiators than women.” She was successful in doing that because it showed how women in his office are addressing the issue which reflects ultimately on him.

             Moreover, she uses another source that counter claim Abbot’s office claim that women are only being paid less than men in office such as lawyers and state general attorneys because of experience and longevity  some men have in office.  “Abbot’s office said the difference is explained by the amount of time that men have been licensed as lawyers and have served at the agency. But drilling down into different classifications of assistant attorney general, the figures provided by Abbot’s office show there isn't always a direct correlation between such experience and pay.” Furthermore, she used time updates in her blog following Abbot’s developments on the Equal pay. “Update 11:48 a.m. Greg Abbott has finally clarified his stance on Equal pay, telling the Associate Press that nope. He doesn't think women should be able to sure they’re paid less because they’re women.” Finally, I think this a well-organized blog, and the writer was able to prove her point.

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