Monday, April 14, 2014

This is a reply for my classmate’s blog laura Lazo.  “Texas same-sex marriage ban struck down” I totally I agree with her regarding the same-sex marriage ruling by the federal judge. It is indeed a surprise to finally see such ruling forcing conservatives to accept the fact that people should be with whom they love. Also, I agree with her that Republicans should stop telling other people who they may or may not marry. I believe that  Attorney General  Greg Abbott should redirect his attention to more critical issues in Texas than trying to appeal to higher courts to stop people from marrying the person whom they want to share their lives with.   I agree with every point she mentioned in her blog and, I would like to add that the reason for their apposition is religion. I think instead of them trying to control other peoples’ lives by regulating who they can or can’t marry or for controlling women’s choice to having babies, they should try to focus on more important things that benefit the people of Texas, like raising the poverty line or the minimum wage to try help so many people who are suffering in Texas.  Or find more productive programs for single mothers who can barely support their children! 

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